进门第一视觉是开阔的客餐厅,为了增加室内的光线,采用了白色乳胶漆,人字拼木地板(木地板是业主自己在网上找的厂家),整个客餐厅不做定制柜体选购成品移动家具,让空间显得更加开阔以及可塑性。Open guest dining-room is on the vision taking the door, to increase the light inside, used white emulsii paint, hermitage parquet wood floor.
进门右手边用了木色的洞洞板,进门可随手挂随身背包以及钥匙等,摆放很多有趣的小摆件。旁边摆放了一个半高餐边柜,收纳常用的一些零食、奶粉,药品等。The right side of the door with wood - colored hole hole board, placed next to a high side cabinet.
用一个白色圆桌与白色墙面木色地面相互点缀。餐椅选择四个不同款式同风格的椅子,以木元素为主藤编为辅,融合又独立于空间。利用冰箱与墙之间剩余空间,定制成品的置物架,可放置一些小家电(微波炉、烤箱等),还能放置部分收纳箱做到收纳的最大化。The dining table uses white round table. Dining chairs choose from four different chairs. Use the remaining space between the refrigerator and the wall to customize the shelf of finished products.
厨房与客餐厅联通,用日本暖帘在餐厨整体做软隔断,从顶部划分餐厨空间。地面单独铺贴灰色花砖,与餐厅人字拼木地板交接处用1.5公分的收口条收口。墙面半高凹纹面包砖便于清理油污。厨房整体用宜家橱柜,白色柜体木色台面。四块800mm长的隔板替代吊柜,搁放厨房用品。用一块半挂式的陶瓷盆做洗菜功能使用。洗菜盆上方安装小吊灯,在夜晚光线微弱的时候小吊灯能起到辅助照明的作用,同时也是一盏氛围灯。Make partition in eat hutch with Japanese warm curtain. The floor is covered with grey tiling. Wall brick facilitates cleaning smeary. The kitchen whole uses ikea ambry, the mesa of white cabinet body wood color. Cabinet do four 800mm long clapboard, use ceramic basin to wash vegetables. Install a small chandelier above the washing basin.
橱柜延长做吧台,在吧台旁做了一面灰色的黑板墙漆,爸爸、妈妈在厨房做饭,小朋友在旁边的黑板墙写写画画,是可以想象出的其乐融融的场景,这便是普通人向往的生活吧。The cabinet is extended to make a bar, and a gray blackboard wall paint is made beside the bar. Mom and dad are cooking in the kitchen, and the children are writing and drawing on the blackboard wall next to them.
客厅顶部选用了一款风扇灯,在初夏还不是很热的时候可以开启风扇,起到制冷纳凉的作用,也给整个家添加了些许趣味性。阳光穿过薄薄的纱帘轻轻的撒落在地板上,柔和的光线赋予居所温柔的质感。The living room top selected a fan lamp, in early summer is not very hot when the fan can be turned on, but also to the whole home to add some interesting. The living room chooses gauze curtain.
电视背景墙以简洁为主旋律,乳胶漆刷白,在门洞加入弧形元素,区分不同的功能空间,业主在阴阳角处手工DIY了白色的护角条,一方面可以保护墙面不受破损,另一方面为了保护小朋友磕碰到尖角。TV setting wall emulsive paint brushs white, join arc element in doorway, owner is in Yin and Yang horn is in manual DIY white protect horn article.
为了避免沙发成为猫咪磨爪子的工具,选择皮质沙发,黑色区别于空间主体色彩,沙发背后选取了组合形挂画,给这一方天地增加了浓墨重彩的一笔,空间变得丰富起来。沙发小边机选择书架的形式,旁边做了一个房子形状的猫洞,不止是猫洞,还是一个感应小夜灯,猫咪穿行而过行踪一目了然。To avoid the sofa becoming a tool to sharpen your cat's claws, opt for a leather one.The back of the sofa chooses the combination form to hang a picture. The small side of the sofa chooses the form of a bookshelf, and a house-shaped cat flap is made beside it.
木质椅子替代床头柜的功能,可坐可置物。木制床头上摆些可爱的小物件,陪伴人们一起进入梦乡。挂画与床头色彩相近,挂在高于视平线的高度点缀空间。Wooden chairs serve as bedside tables. Cute little things on the wooden head of the bed. Hang a picture and colour of the head of a bed close, hang in the height of line of afore-above inspect level.
卧室空间用了折叠柜门,选用艾格特五金件,大大增强了衣柜储物功能,最下方放置储物收纳箱,整个柜门开启能全部折叠到两边,方便拿去找寻衣物,做到了有效的类别分类,挂件、叠放、长衣、短衣等都能整齐排列放置。The folding cabinet door is used in the bedroom space, and Eggert hardware is selected to enhance the storage function of the wardrobe. The storage box can be placed at the bottom, and the whole cabinet door can be completely folded to both sides when opened.
Wash gargle area uses wooden mesa and basin on stage. Make a long partition under the basin. The washing machine is located in the hallway of the shower. The shower has a folding PVC bathroom door.
Toilet hangs a wall closestool with, metope host stuck a lot of drawing paper. The toilet has a small birdbath and wooden partitions for clean paper towels.